Pelvic Floor Pilates

Pelvic Floor Pilates brings our awareness to a vital part of our body that is often forgotten or ignored. The pelvic floor is truly the “core” of your body. When you gain more awareness and a deeper understanding of it, you will connect to an inner strength you didn’t know had, on a physical emotional and spiritual level.

Pelvic Floor work helps with:

Pregnancy and Postpartum
Incontinence/leaking/bladder dysfunction
Pelvic organ prolapse
Pubic symphysis separation
Hypertonic pelvic floors
Hypotonic pelvic floors
Pain with intercourse/Sexual Dysfunction
Surgical rehabilitation

Pelvic Floor Pilates to heal Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The pelvic floor is composed of a layer of muscles and connective tissues that form a “floor” at the base of our pelvis. Pelvic floor imbalances and dysfunction can result in many things including hip and back pain, incontinence, pain with intercourse, myofascial pelvic pain, and organ prolapse (the dropping of the organs).

The muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor are no different than all other muscles and tissues in our body; they need a healthy flow of blood and oxygen, as well as the full range of contraction and relaxation in order to function properly.

There is a common misperception that when we experience leaking, or incontinence, it means that the muscles of our pelvic floor are weak. But oftentimes, the pelvic floor muscles are too tight because they are being held in an unconscious state of contraction. Like all muscles, if they are constantly contracted, over time they become tight and weak and can cause pain and dysfunction.

Conversely, if the muscles of the pelvic floor do not have enough tone, they will not be strong enough to support the organs and the base of the pelvis, and dysfunctions such as prolapse may occur.

Additionally, imbalance and weakness in the muscles surrounding the pelvis such as the hip, back and abdominal muscles can cause the pelvic floor muscles to compensate, often creating more tension in the pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor muscles work in conjunction with the deep abdominal and back muscles, along with the diaphragm. Together they create a balanced system that becomes our true “core” and supports the rest of our body.

Through awareness as well as strengthening and balancing this group of muscles, our pelvic floor dysfunctions begin to heal.

Pilates and pelvic floor work help you reconnect to this important area of your body and we empower ourselves when we begin to learn more about it.

Pilates and pregnancy

It is totally safe to start Pilates at any point in your pregnancy.

Pilates and pelvic floor exercises will help support and strengthen your body, without creating additional stress, as it goes through the many changes of pregnancy and childbirth.

Pilates will help you stay connected to yourself and your body throughout your pregnancy, and at the same time give you a deeper level of awareness of your body and pelvic floor.

Breathing exercises will also bring relaxation and give you many tools that are beneficial to childbirth.

Pilates will help you stay strong, balanced, and in alignment throughout your pregnancy and after childbirth.

postpartum pilates

Postpartum Pilates sessions help reconnect you to yourself and your body after pregnancy and childbirth.

It is safe to start Pilates as soon as two months after childbirth, depending on your birthing experience.

After childbirth, your body needs time to heal as well as regain strength and balance.

Whether you have a c-section or vaginal birth, Pilates will help bring tone to your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles as well as improve your overall strength in a safe, healthy, and engaging way.

I know it’s hard to find time for yourself after having a baby, but your health and overall strength is crucial to being able to provide yourself and your family.

Anya was instrumental in helping me solve the long lasting pelvic floor and hip pain I’d been having since my second child was born. Between the breathing, relaxation, focus, and Pilates exercises we did, our work together was the breakthrough piece I needed to support the pelvic floor physical therapy I was also pursuing. Without Anya, I have the feeling I’d still be stuck. Plus I have the added benefit now of knowing how to course correct if the tension begins to return.

J. R.

I started 1:1 pilates classes with Anya a year after I had a baby. Working with Anya gave me the assurance that it was possible to safely meet my health goals after pregnancy. During our sessions, she checked in frequently to see how the exercises felt on my body, and would modify them to help me prevent unnecessary back strain and discomfort. In addition to becoming stronger and more toned, I gained more awareness of my own body and the confidence that I could safely engage in physical exercise. My body always feels stronger, more alive, and more relaxed after our sessions


Pevic Floor Sessions

Private One-on-One Pilates Sessions with Focus on Pelvic Floor Health

These sessions are designed to help you gain deeper awareness of the vital pelvic floor muscles of your body as well as strengthen and balance this group of muscles.

Pelvic Floor Workshops and Classes

I also teach Pelvic Floor workshops and classes around the Bay Area. Please contact me for more information.


First-time Pelvic Floor pilates session 75 min: $150

Individual sessions: $125 per session

Package of 5 sessions: $600


Feel free to contact me directly to schedule an appointment or set up a time to talk. You can also choose to schedule a 20-minute free consultation or a first-time appointment online.

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